Training on tarmac

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We’re expecting Ireland to be hard – miles of walking on tarmac, cold wind, heavy rain, getting wet and muddy – so today was perfect training for it. Except we have a nice warm house to come back to instead of a cold tent. Can’t pretend we won’t miss it!

3 Responses

  1. Jim Bispham

    Great blog. I wish you both success in your latest adventure. Looking forward to future postings. Get out there and hike!!!!!!. Milky

  2. john

    Hi folks,
    Lovely blog. Hope it works out that I can trot along for a day or two.

    Good planning, but how will you get hold of enough cake?

  3. Roz Savage

    Very nice-looking website, and those gorgeous photos from your previous walks have given me serious wanderlust! Looking forward to tracking your progress this summer, and hope to join you for a day or two. Hugs, Roz x