Grafton Notch to Bigelow

After all the scrambling about in northern New Hampshire, we were ready for some easier hiking miles in Maine. We were warned that the trail would continue to be hard going until half way through Maine, and sure enough, although we do occasionally get stretches of easy hiking, we have … Read More

Williamstown to Hanover

The last ten days of hiking since Williamstown have taken us 150 miles through the state of Vermont. The weather has been crazy, the ascents have been steep and rough, but it’s been good fun (mostly). Although it’s been hard work, it’s good to get back to going over bigger … Read More

Daleville to Luray

It’s been nearly two weeks since I last updated this blog, and finally – FINALLY – we are having a day off, in the town of Luray in Virginia. We have had a few resupply trips into towns in the meantime, but to be honest by the time we’ve got … Read More

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