New York stopover

Having never been to New York before, I was a bit intimidated by the idea of navigating our way around the city looking very much like the bimbly tourists that we are. But Neil was adamant he wanted to fly to New York then take the train to Atlanta in … Read More

All geared up!

Feeling incredibly grateful right now for all the support I’m getting for this adventure! First of all, a huge enormous thank you to everyone who has sponsored me to do this hike and donated to Cancer Research UK. I really appreciate it, it’s a great cause, and the more sponsorship … Read More

A premature end

Well, I’m sorry to say that after two and a half days of really brutal hiking, we have quit the trail. Progress was simply too difficult, too slow and too strenuous. Hiking through deep snow was exhausting, and if anything had gone wrong I doubted that we would have had … Read More

Drovers Inn

We’re on our way! Two days later than planned, thanks to us both coming down with flu during the week. But we’re feeling a bit better, so have taken the plunge and driven north to the Drovers Inn at Inverarnan, just north of Loch Lomond. Luckily the outside temperature has … Read More

Dummy run

Just back from our little trial excursion onto the trail, and pleased to report that we really liked it! It is rough, rocky and spiky underfoot, it’s so hot and windy that it feels like you’re walking under a hairdryer, but it is beautiful. We only walked about 4 miles … Read More

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