Well, we were passing by, and it is the highest mountain in the Rockies, and the second highest mountain in the contiguous United States …
At 14,440 feet high we did feel the altitude a bit as we got near the top! More worrying were the black clouds which had rolled in, but luckily it was only a bit of snow, not a thunderstorm, so we wrapped up well and carried on.
It was a great day out!

Roz Savage
Like you haven’t been doing enough ascent already?! Gluttons for punishment!
I’m at Mum’s at the moment. Sending lots of love from both of us. xx
jim Bispham
Thumps up for climbing Mount Elbert. It looks very wintry in the photos. I missed it out, I can still remember the small wooden sign at the side of the trail, I stopped thought about it, but carried on the trail, I had got myself focused on making progress so as not to get caught in early snow in the San Juans