A slow start

Well, I’ve made a start! But not off to a flying start by any means. The ankle that I sprained 18 months ago has decided, with immaculate timing, to give me some more gyp. I’ve done a few miles and it’s mostly OK, but I’m having to take it slowly and mince my way uphill with tiny little steps to avoid sharp spikes of pain. Just as well I’m not in a hurry! Hopefully it will improve if I don’t overdo it.

But apart from that, the coast path is lovely. Leaving behind the delights of Minehead (fish and chips, ice cream and an uninspiring beach) the path winds uphill through some pretty woods, before emerging onto rough hillside with fragrant gorse and small trees, sloping steeply down to the sea. I’ve traversed round these slopes for a few miles, and am happy to be tucked up in my sleeping bag resting my ankle, ready for a longer day’s walk tomorrow.

Can’t beat a good cheesy monument to mark the start of a long distance path!
Great waymarking
Steep ascent through woods
Nice campsite with a view!

4 Responses

  1. Roz Savage
    | Reply

    Happy for you that you’re footloose and job-free again! And I’m still in awe of your rucksack-packing abilities. Just don’t know how you fitted so much into that unfeasibly small pack. There again, suppose you’ve had some practice.

    Sending good healing vibes to your ankle. I hope it behaves. Would also love to come and join you for a short (and I mean, short!) stretch. Where do you expect/hope to be by mid-May?

    Please keep posting your location, so I can keep track (hope that doesn’t sound too stalker-ish!).

  2. Rita Savage
    | Reply

    Happy to have found your site again. Kindle was not showing the latest bits. Hope your ankle does not hold you back too much. Much love – your mother.

  3. Andy Hall
    | Reply

    On your own, no Neil

    • Tanya Savage
      | Reply

      He’s cat-sitting. He has the option of going on caving expo to Austria in July / August, I’ll look after the cat if he’s still with us then! Couldn’t wait any longer for an adventure, decided we would have separate adventures if necessary. Miss him though …

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