Dummy run

Just back from our little trial excursion onto the trail, and pleased to report that we really liked it! It is rough, rocky and spiky underfoot, it’s so hot and windy that it feels like you’re walking under a hairdryer, but it is beautiful. We only walked about 4 miles … Read More

Hachita to Lordsburg

We’ve just finished the first stage of our hike, and we’re really hoping it might get a little easier soon! We arrived back into Lordsburg at 6.30 last night, the first 85 miles of trail successfully completed. Neil was still smugly blister-free (if a little footsore), while I was limping … Read More

Lordsburg to Silver City

After our hot slog into Lordsburg, we had a very pleasant and much-needed rest day before getting a lift to ‘Trail Days’ in Silver City – an annual event organised by the Continental Divide Trail Coalition. There were informative talks on topics like desert safety, bike packing the CDT and … Read More

South Fork to Salida

Well, I guess we were overdue for some bad weather, and when it arrived it didn’t disappoint! As we neared the end of our 22 mile roadwalk into Creede, the wind gusted stronger and stronger, stirring up dust devils which whirled across the road from the mining spoil heaps. A … Read More

Breckenridge to Grand Lake

This section really has been Colorado hiking at its best! Following high mountain ridges, climbing some of its highest peaks, long days spent above the treeline – it’s been challenging, but we expected nothing less when we set out on this trail. Our first half day out from Breckenridge was … Read More

Encampment to Rawlins

In the 60 miles since we left Encampment on Tuesday morning, we have literally dropped out of one world and into another. After one last climb up through pine forest onto Vulcan Mountain on Tuesday afternoon, we started losing height. The forest became more patchy, with dense pines becoming interspersed … Read More